
4,600 sqm farming land for sale with panoramic views in Kelecung, Bali

Diperbarui pada 24 Desember 2023 oleh agung devata
Rp. 135 juta

Located in a region rich of natural beauty with most of the area is still spared out of modernization and productively in farming aspect. Strategically within walking distance from to the beach, this land features flat contour with rectangle dimension. Located in farming aspect on a green zone which still productive farming it. This land area offers panoramic views of the jungle, river, rice fields and ocean. The area also has quiet and peaceful atmosphere, a place where the serenity is awaiting.
Easy access to the location by 5 meters roads. This land is ideal for long term investment and perhaps build up a commercial building in tourism aspects after upgrading the title into residential aspect. Otherwise it will be a perfect place for an escape sanctuary.
The Land Details:
Total size: 4,600m or 46 are
Ownership: Freehold/SHM
Spatial: Farming aspect/ Green zoning
Dimension: Rectangle
Access road: 5 meters
Contour: Flat land
Scenery: Jungle, River, Rice fields and Ocean
Neighbors: Local farms and rice fields
Location: Tegal Mengkep, Kelecung, Tabanan, Bali
Walking distance to the beach
PRICE IDR 135 Million/are


Luas Tanah 4600 M2


Data Kunjungan & Kontak 7 Hari Terakhir

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