
Turun Harga, Dijual Unit 3 Kamar Luas 190m2 Dengan View Golf Course di Greenview

Diperbarui pada 26 Desember 2023 oleh Wienny Novita
Rp. 3.8 miliar

Harga Jual Rp 3,8 M (nego)
Harga Jual Jauh di Bawah Harga NJOP
Dijual dengan keadaan masih tersewa s.d Agustus 2024, Uang Sewa Akan Dipotong Dari Harga Jual
Service Charge
Greenview Apartment (Nuansa Hijau Apartment) is an apartment building complex located in the elite area of ​​Pondok Indah, precisely on Jl. Kencana School, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. This upscale residence is built in a premium location that is beautiful and cool, far from the hustle and bustle of the City.
The location of this apartment is quite easy to reach by private vehicle. You can use the Jakarta Outer Ring Road toll road and exit at the Pondok Indah Toll gate (3 km), then via Jl. Pondok Indah Metro. It is to be only 4,4 KM or about 12 minutes drive to Cipete Raya MRT Station.
The location of this apartment is relatively close to shopping centers, including Pondok Indah Mall (2.2 km), Cilandak Town Square (2.9 km), Transmart Carrefour-Lebak Bulus (2.7 km), Poins Square (2.6 km), and Gandaria C


Kompleks Pondok Indah - South Jakarta
Luas Bangunan 190 M2
Kamar tidur 3
Kamar mandi 2


Data Kunjungan & Kontak 7 Hari Terakhir

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